Halloween Horror Nights
10:45 PM
Every year Universal Studio has an event called Halloween Horror Nights. Usually occur around Halloween time and they have all these scary mazes and people dressed up as zombies, ghost, killers and etc. I was first hesitant about going because I had gone the year before and the lines were a bit outrageous. However, this year 40 minute waits seemed so short.
I notice that it really does depend on the people you go with. If you go with boring people who don't like talking then obviously it's going to be boring. This year I went with a couple of my friends from school and we just couldn't stop talking and talking, Lines went by so fast. My favorite maze was the Walking Dead; it was so much better than last year. I felt like last year they packed so many people into the maze where it wasn't even scary.
Overall, we all had such a great time. Pictured below are photos I took of Krustyland. Such a photogenic area in the park. Well, I'll talk to you later!