How to be positive.

3:09 PM

Let's be honest for a sec! No one can ever be positive 100% of the time; however, we can try our best to achieve 99.9%. Sometimes, we go through these moods, unexplainable really, but it just happens. It may be the stresses of everyday life, negative thoughts about the future/past, problems that we are currently going through, anxiety and honestly the list goes on and on. Let me start with one thing first and that is to BREATHE. During your time reading this post, I encourage you to breath in and out. See how you feel in the end, I can guarantee you it will be better!

Here's the steps I take to be a more positive, stress-free person.

Deep Breathing: This is the most important one! Sometimes with the hustle and bustle of life we forget to breathe. Well, not literally, I'm talking about controlled breathing. There are times I have unknowingly held my breath in, hard to explain but I just don't breathe normally. This is when your body will tense up, also there will be lack of oxygen feeding your organs/brains and wateva. Try doing this for years! Cause I did and yikes it has caused me body aches all over! SO I highly suggest controlled breathing. Breathe in hold it 1, 2, 3, breathe out 1, 2,3. Make sure that your stomach is lifted when you breath out and vice versa when breathing in. Controlled breathing will lower your pulse, bring more oxygen to the brain, and help calm nerves.  Sit back, relax, and try it out. It's like meditating or doing yoga on the go!

Set Goals: There's such a huge importance of setting goals, especially, realistic goals. Now some of my goals are a tad bit outlandish but hey, that's what I think I can realistically achieve. Make goals that you think can be achieve within a certain time frame (because when that time frame is up and you didn't achieve your goal, well, you're prob going to have to refer back to this post). There is nothing that will motivate you more than waking up knowing that each and everyday you have a goal to achieve. 

Give yourself words of affirmation: I used to ALWAYS be negative about every situation that comes my way. I would wake up and think, " hopefully this day won't be so bad." Let me tell you, that is NO WAY to live. Wake up and remind yourself what you are going to achieve in this day. Remind yourself about the goals you set out to achieve. Tell yourself, " I am amazing, I am awesome. I am capable of doing amazing things." Honestly, being a little egotistic isn't so bad. Just a little, don't get it twisted!  

Get some air: If you are ever feeling negative, stressed, or overwhelm just go outside and take in the sunshine. Get some natural air and breath in the oxygen. If you have time just sit there and do breathing exercise while exposed to the sun. Sometimes you just need to retain some vitamin D. When I was in school I had a small anxiety attack and all I could think about is just going home but that wasn't an option. So my friend and I just sat in the sun for about 20 minutes, we just laid there but it was the best 20 minutes of the day.

Read: I always read self help books whenever I feel down and unmotivated. The books I read help me focus on self growth rather than other people's problems. Some books I suggested are "The Power of Positive Thinking" by Norman Peale and "Think and Grow Rich" by Napolean Hill. These books help me evaluate how I am as a person and what I can do to improve; it also talks about failure and accounts different situations and how these people got over them.

Overall, these are my steps on how to improve your mind, body, and soul. Remember, your mind is more powerful than you think. Positive thinking leads to a positive life.  

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