What are my Goals for 2019!?
5:47 PM
Health: I haven't been in the best health for the past couple of years. As a matter of fact it got so bad that I had to take medication for high blood pressure at age 22! So UNCOOL. If you don't really know what high blood pressure is, let me break it down for you. 1. usually old people get it 2. steams from stress (basically just raises the pressure of the blood pumping to your heart, which is a big no no). Here I am a 22 year old taking medication my PARENTS take. Anyways, seems like I have been putting my health to the side for so long that it finally starting to kick me in the ass and tell me "hey, hi, hello take care of me please." And that is EXACTLY what I am aiming to do in 2019. I've been walking my dog every morning and just that 10 minute walk everyday has helped me significantly. I seriously have to look back at this post often to remind myself to get off my ass from time to time! But heres to amazing health for 2019! WOO!
Youtube: So here's the deal, I used to do Youtube a lot back in the day and I loved it. I love getting creative and letting my creative juices flow. But every since I went to school it seems as though they literally sucked me dry, yeah, NO JUICE LEFT. So every since I've graduated I've just been so clueless on what to upload to Youtube. I want to do ASMR videos because I absolutely LOVE watching those videos but it is a very time consuming process of filming and editing, ( I even bought a mic and everything) but do I want to strictly dedicate a channel to ASMR or do a combination of both. I have no clue but I hope to figure that out soon.
Motivation: Some days I find myself just laying in bed doing absolutely NOTHING. Literally, nothing. It's such a bad habit sometimes because I actually have so much to do or CAN do. However, I just choose to literally lay in bed and scroll through Instagram or Facebook every 10 minutes. Sounds like my life is so boring right!! I actually have a lot I can be doing but I just wish I had the motivation to do it. I need to find a spark or ignite a fire inside me so I can get up and start hustling everyday.
There's obviously a lot more I would love to work on for 2019 but those are some of my main goals. Remember that you are control of your own future. If you don't like something in your life you have the capability to always change it. I wish you guys the best for 2019 and I hope you guys achieve all the goals you want!